
We tell the untold. we spoil the deep chamber.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

[Operation Menu] The casualty of Cambodian people

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The secret bombing Campaign known as the Operation Menu which took place in Eastern Cambodia from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970. The operation was given the authority by US President Richard Nixon. The Bombing expanded much larger area of Cambodia and continued until August 1973 which gave Cambodia a very devastating result of Casualty.

More than 150000 people were killed during the bombing including Khmer rouge fighters. 
It is the first time of US B-52 bomber were Authorized by the Richard Nixon to unleash its carpet bombing in history. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Phnom Penh: Citizens Seem To Feared of Going Out at Night

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Phnom Penh Cambodia: After a blast at Chamkamorn District , Boengkeng korng 3 commune , St163, Citizens of Phnom Penh seem to feared of going outside at night time. The City is likely unstable due to the overwhelming of Crimes, yet lately a hand grenade attack by anonymous.

A Twenty-three man said, " Now we feared of going outside or eating out at night , because lately there were a lot of crimes happen. People got robbed and killed almost everyday and now we got grenade attack by anonymous.

Does Civil War really Inevitable for Poland and What Will its neighbors do about it?

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Polish citizens and society have split in two since the elections last year which leads to power of the conservative nationalist Law and Justice Party. I warned that the government had brought the State to the brink of Civil war, Said Former President Lech Walesa. A Journalist Kiril Ozimko comments on the threat an unstable Poland pose to Russia Federation.  

Heaviest Russian Unmanned Ground Vehicle

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The Russian-made Uran-9 is likely the heaviest unmanned battle framework out there. This 10-ton vehicle can be outfitted with a 30mm gun, a high-gauge automatic rifle, a hostile to tank rocket launcher and an Igla surface-to-air rocket launcher. The vehicle is intended for remote surveillance and as a flame bolster unit.