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Monday, September 5, 2016

The History of Tank ace Michael Wittmann who dominated the combat zone

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During the WWII 1941 Hitler had turn his tanks east for invasion of the Soviet Union called "Operation Babarassa. The Nazi launch the vast armies into the soviet's frontier with 3600 tanks and 4 millions men, with a hour they made a shocking discovery on something that the soviet had a much better tanks the T-34. In previous battle before the operation Babarassa the battles across Europe Hitler's armored unit destroyed everything in their path but the T-34 is heavier, fas...ter with better armor impact a bigger punch into the latest Panzers and Hitler is going to need some bigger tanks. German engineers were searching for weapon that could eliminate the threat caused by Soviet T-34 and they found it "The Flak 88 invented for shoot down aircraft" this weapon will suit in the tank for killing the T-34 and It was the TIGER-1.
The Tiger built for smashing to Soviet's line.

1943 the Russian Front " The Nazi prepare to attack Kursk. Leading the charge would be the 29 years old Michael-Wittmann
this dedicated commander who spent three month on his new Panzerkamfwagen VI Tiger. By the end of day1 Wittmann had destroyed 15 enemy's tanks and Anti-tank gun and Hitler's Tiger was a deadly successes. After five days fighting the Tiger helped Nazi forces advance 30km but Thousand of Soviet T34 keep coming. After losing 54 thousand men and over 250 vehicles Hitler abandoned the Kursk , the last time of Nazi go forward on eastern front. Yet the Germany celebrate the achievement of the new Super tank ( TIGER ) and Its heroic commander Michael Wittmann.
Wittmann Achievements :
-destruction of 138 tanks and 132 anti-tank guns, along with an unknown number of other armored vehicles, making him one of Germany's top scoring panzer aces.
-Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords.
His nickname is "The Black Baron" Born
22 April 1914 and die in
8 August 1944 (aged 30)
Between the towns of Cintheaux and St. Aignan de Cramesnil near the farm of Gaumesnil in his 54 tonnes monster ( TIGER)

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